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The Disney Dork

I'm Rachel Beth Hines,professional animator and animation historian
Favorite Fandoms
All Things Disney
Doctor Who
Star Wars
Boy Meets World
Archie Sonic Comics

#rapunzel's tangled adventure

10 Ways to Fix Cassandra’s Arc

From Closest to Canon to Complete Re-Write

  1. Cassandra Wants to be the Hero - It’s literally all set up right there in the text. Cass doesn’t think Rapunzel is mature enough to solve the problem of the rocks, and therefore she steals the moonstone in order to stop them herself. Only to find she can’t control the rocks/moonstone either. Of course this route would require the rocks remaining an active threat throughout season two and the narrative being willing to call out both Rapunzel’s and Cassandra’s toxic traits.
  2. Make Cassandra’s Injury Relevant - In the original show Cassandra’s burnt hand is all but forgotten by season three and barely has any real impact on her during season two. Just make the injury an actual problem that she can’t overcome through simple training, or since it’s magic, make it a curse that could slowly kill her over time. Now the moonstone becomes a ‘cure’ with a high price to pay for using it. Simple.
  3. Have Zhan Tiri Actually Lie - Zhan Tiri’s 'manipulation’ in the series proper is a whole lot of nothing because she just tells the truth, which the audience is suppose to take at face value, and doesn’t really offer anything to Cassandra that she would logically want. Have her lie about Gothel. Have her present half-truths about the royals. Have her promise something of actual worth to Cass, like fixing her hand or making her the hero.
  4. Have Cassandra Agree with the Other Villains - Forget Zhan Tiri altogether and have Cassandra team up with Varian and/or Lady Caine. Have her come to realize that Corona’s government is flawed and not the right and just system she was raised to believe in. Of course this requires criticizing King Frederic and Corona’s class system.
  5. Have Cassandra Save Rapunzel While Hiding Her Past - Keep the Gothel twist, but make Cassandra ashamed of it. She’s not after mommy’s love, but she is trying to prevent Rapunzel from dying by trying to fuse with the moonstone. So what if the world burns? Her sister is safe. Besides, she can keep the moonstone under control… right?
  6. Possessed Cassandra - I think this was the original plan until the last minute re-writes with Varian. But have either the moonstone or Zhan Tiri brainwash Cass and force her to do their bidding. This does take agency away from her but makes her less culpable of her actions. That’s why everyone is insistent on 'saving her’.
  7. Make Cassandra and Rapunzel Actual Sisters - Instead of being adopted by Cap, have Cassandra be adopted by the royals. Have her be the child trained to be queen someday all her life, only to have Rapunzel thrust into that position due to birthright despite not really wanting it. Now suddenly all of their pissing contests with each other makes sense. Cassandra may or may not really want to be queen, but she feels she’s being replaced by this sister shes never known. Now throw in the Gothel twist and things get even more complicated.
  8. Cassandra is the True Heir to the Dark Kingdom - It’s now Cass’s duty to protect the moonstone from Rapunzel. It’s her heritage and birthright to wear it. You can either keep Eugene as her brother, or drop that aspect of his arc altogether.
  9. Saporian Cassandra - Somewhat playing into Cass’s 'wants to be a hero’ aspect, only her motives are now about calling out the injustice that Corona’s royalty has inflicted on her people. Of course this requires criticizing King Frederic and Corona’s class system.
  10. Don’t Make Cassandra the Villain At All - Don’t have her steal the moonstone. Don’t have her betray Rapunzel. Don’t try to force them to be 'sisters’. Let her just be the cool best friend that remains by Raps side and finds her own self-worth through service to others instead of seeking glory and praise all the time.


Mermay Week Day 1: Tirapai Island


My Honey Lemon mermaid design was created by using this mermaid doll dress up game

And then using a screen grab of Tirapai Island for the background as that’s today’s theme.

So if anyone and everyone wants to participate in mermaid week, but is feeling a little short on time. I recommend checking out a dress up game like the one above or similar.

Also come and join us on the discord if you haven’t already.


Hello everyone! It’s May and y'all know it’s that time of year to draw fish people. So, that means you have a week of prompts to have fun with. With that, may the Mermay Of Rocks and Robots week be fun!

Here are the days you’ll be working with the 13th to 19th.


Day 1: Tirapai Island

Day 2: Pearl

Day 3: Neserdnia

Day 4: beach episode

Day 5: underwater

Day 6: trial

Day 7: mermay

Five Tangled AUs I’ll Never Write Because I Don’t Have The Time

1. Eugene gets adopted by Quirin instead of going to the orphanage.

He still becomes Flynn Rider and rescues Rapunzel from the tower, but his turn to crime is due to a falling out between him and his dad after his and Varian’s mom disappears under mysterious circumstances.

Quirin is keeping secrets, and thier relationship is strained, but after meeting Rapunzel, Eugene is trying to mend that relationship with him… Only for the amber incident to cut that short.

Obviously the biggest change here is that Eugene and Varian are brothers, so Varian isn’t left alone after the snow storm. Rather, Eugene is trying to protect Varian from King Frederic while also trying to stay in his future father-in-law’s good graces… All while dealing with his own grief.

This drastically changes the conflict and outcome of season one. Forcing Rapunzel to confront her father directly and own up to his misdeeds, and brings Varian along on the season two road trip.

Also Eugene has even less reason to accept Edmund because Quirin is the man who raised him and is his ‘real dad’ for all intents and purposes.

Also, thier mom, Ulla, being trapped by Zan Tiri and finally escaping would be a major plot point in season three.

2. Digimon AU

Rapunzel, Eugene, Cassandra, Varian, Lance, Styalan, and Caine are all college students who get sucked into the digital world.

They each get their own digimon and must face off against the seven digimon demon lords in order to return home, and in doing so confront their own worse vices.

  • Rapunzel’s digimon is Coronamon. She is The Leader of the group and her element is Fire/Light/Sun. Her nemesis is Belphemon, and her main vice is Sloth. Because she keeps avoiding her problems by chasing after frivolous pursuits. Such as standing up to her abusive mother Gothel, or dealing with her responsibilities as the leader of her team.
  • Eugene’s partner is Kudamon. He’s The Mediator of the group. The voice of reason and common sense. His elemental is Wind. His nemesis is Lucemon, and his main vice is Pride, for his uses vanity to compensate for his low self esteem born from growing up in the foster system.
  • Cassandra’s digimon is Lunamon, and her rival is Leviamon. Her fatal flaw is Envy, for she’s jealous of Rapunzel. She’s The Second in Command; because she offers a counter balance to Rapunzel’s way of doing things, but they butt heads often. Her element is Darkness/Moon.
  • Varian is The Brains of the outfit. His digimon is Labramon, who can change to either a vaccine or virus upon evolution. However his main thematic element is Electricity. His nemesis is Daemon and his vice is Wrath. As the youngest in the group, he often feels unheard and will lash out in anger.
  • Lance is The Heart of the team, as he’s forever the optimist. His digimon is Otamamon and his element is Water. His rival is Beelzemon, and his fatal flaw is Gluttony, for he never had enough growing up in the foster care system, therefore he shows no restraint when given opportunities, even if it means hurting someone else.
  • Caine is The Muscle of the group. Her digimon, Goblimon, is a heavy hitter when he digivoles, and she’s the most likely to throw a punch against a monster on her own. Her enemy is Barbamon, and her vice is Greed. She’s criminal on the run for theft, but it’s a life she feels she was forced into. Her element is Metal/Ground.
  • Stalyan is The Chick, for lack of a better trope term. She’s daddy’s spoiled little rich girl who is in for a rude wake up call when she gets to the Digital World. Her digimon is Floramon and her element is Grass. Her rival is Laylamon and her fatal flaw is Lust. She’s in love with Eugene, but he doesn’t return her feelings. Her obsession with him, is tied to her own insecurities and desires for being accepted.

3. Prince Varian

Varian is Rapunzel’s little brother. He’s actually Arianna and Quirin’s son, but Frederic raised him as his own. Both are ignorant of Varian’s true parentage, with Varian just believing Quirin is his bodyguard/mentor. 

Yet with the return of his long lost sister Varian feels even more out of place with in the Castle and keeps sneaking off to Old Corona to visit Quirin, who is now a retired knight, and to work on his experiments in secret.

Only the truth comes out after a horrible lab accident that traps Quirin in amber, and now Varian doesn’t know where he belongs.   

4. Eugene is raised by Hector

Horace knows who he is and his duty to keep the moonstone safe. He has rarely traveled beyond the great tree. But he begins to question his entire place in the world when a group of travelers come in search of his family’s treasure, with one of them claiming to be the living embodiment of the fabled Sundrop.

  • Since Eugene/Horace never left the Great Tree, he never became Flynn Rider, never stole the crown, and never met Rapunzel in the tower.
  • This means Rapunzel never leaves on her 18th birthday to see the lights, but her tower is destroyed by the black rocks six months later. Leaving her and Mother Gothel without a home.
  • While in search of a new place to live they meet, Varian, who is trying to figure out the mystery of the rocks, Cassandra, who is searching for the lost princess to prove her worth to her dad, and Lance, a thief who offers to be their guide in order to hide from the Stabbingtons who he owes money too.
  • The five of them go on a quest to find the moonstone when Varian shows them the piece of his father’s scroll (who is not trapped in amber this time) much to the discouragement/disapproval of Mother Gothel.
  • Gothel tries to dismiss the legends of the moonstone while keeping her and Rapunzel’s identities secret. (Everyone figures out she’s the Sundrop/connected to the rocks right away, but not that’s she’s the lost princess) But as she can’t be too far away from her precious flower for too long she gets dragged on the quest anyways.
  • Cue Gothel reluctantly becoming everyone’s mama as she tries to keep them alive and convince Raps to give up this silly quest and find a new home, while also not letting it slip that she’s really Cass’s birth mother, nor the thief of the long lost princess, nor an ancient sorceress who betrayed a powerful demon in order to have eternal youth and said demon could come back to kill them all if released by the Sundrop touching the Moonstone.
  • Basically what I’m getting at is we have a scenario where a manipulative asshole who is desperately just trying to survive while not being caught in her web of lies, is slowly coming to care for a bunch of snot-nosed, bratty, insecure teenagers, and she hates it!
  • This also means that by the time the gang reaches the Great Tree, Rapunzel’s and Eugene’s roles are reversed. She’s the experienced adventurer using him, though unintentionally on her part, to get what she wants, while unexpectedly falling in love, and he’s the sheltered shut in who discovers that there’s more to the world.
  • And just to complicate matters, King Frederic, Quirin, and Adria, team up to invade The Dark Kingdom in order to destroy the moonstone with Adria’s sword. Quirin betraying his brother Edmund because he thinks Varian is dead from the rocks having destroyed their village/castle in the night.

5. Cassandra is the Dark Princess

I mean, I think this should have been cannon anyways, but Cassandra and Eugene are long lost siblings. Both are heirs to the Dark Kingdom and it’s their mom who is left alive to guard the Moonstone.

Said Mom thought they were both lost when the kingdom fell, not knowing that their nurse saved them on the night Edmund went mad.

The Queen convinces Cassandra that protecting the moonstone from the Sundrop is her duty, believing that both coming together will destroy the world. Not realizing that Cass would actually grab it away from Raps in their fight over it and become possessed by Zahn Tiri in the process.


PotP Ch 54 - Christmas With The Krampus: Part 3


“Hey, thanks for helping out on such short notice,” Tadashi said.

“Oh no problem, buddy.” Fred’s voice came over the phone. “Minimax and I were getting bored anyway. Christmas is never as big a deal as Hanukkah at my house. The only thing going on is the neighborhood lights display contest.”

“Your Mom’s in full-blown socialite mode?” Tadashi asked, already knowing the answer.

“Totally. Monster hunting is way more fun than tea and crumpets.”

“There’s no monster, Fred,” Varian yelled over Tadashi’s shoulder into the phone.

“Just let us know if you or Minimax see Vigor,” Hiro added, ignoring his brother.

“Ten-four!… or is it four-ten… Either way, MiniMax and Fredzillia are on the job!”

Tadashi hung up the phone as the three of them entered the near-empty shopping mall.

Most of the storefronts were closed, only a handful of people roamed the food court, and a sign on the door said that the shopping center was operating at half-hours for the holiday. So they had only about an hour left to look for clues.

They made their way to the top floor, hoping that perhaps Vigor was just hiding inside, maybe wrecking one of the other window displays for the fun of it, only to have that hope dashed once they reached Canardist’s emporium.

The door was ripped off its hinges and the inside of the shop was completely trashed.

“Still think there’s no monster?” Hiro asked.

“Anyone could have done this,” Varian replied, though with slightly less confidence than before.

Tadashi picked up a scroll off the floor and frowned. He couldn’t read it.

“Varian, I think we need to keep more of an open mind here.” He cautioned. “I mean, you and Canardist come from a world where fairy tale princesses are real and magical curses are a thing. Why can’t this Krampus exist too?”

“Because…” Varian huffed but didn’t finish his thought as he picked up an amulet hanging from a shelf. This one with Corona’s royal seal on it.

“Because you don’t wanna admit that you’re wrong.” Hiro finished for him.

Varian shot a glare at him, but couldn’t deny it.

“What do you know about this Krampus? What do the legends actually say?” Tadashi asked.

Varian shrugged. “Not much. He’s supposed to be Saint Nicholas’s helper. While St Nick rewards good little kids with toys and sweets, the Krampus collects the souls of bad children and tortures them for their misdeeds.”

He shook his head. “It’s just a story parents tell their kids to get them to behave. Like with the Sandman who brings nightmares or Zhan Tiri and his shadow soldiers. None of it’s real.”

Hiro and Tadashi shared a look but didn’t press for more details about the other horror stories that Varian had mentioned.

“Look, let’s just run with the premise that all stories are based on a kernel of truth,” Tadashi argued. “Like with Troy and the Iliad… exaggerated no doubt, but based off a real place and presumably a real war… With that being the case here, what would a real Krampus be like, you think?”

Varian gave the proposal some serious consideration. “Well, I guess… if he was real, he’d be some type of creature… just an animal.”

“And what would a large wild animal do with a pet monkey?”

“Eat it,” Hiro said, almost immediately. It was the most logical conclusion.

The other two boys grimaced.

The Varian shrugged again. “Well, nasty way to go, but what can you do? Who wants to break the bad news to Canardist?”

Tadashi stopped him from walking away. “Hold on. We can’t just let a six-foot animal run around the city eating people’s pets, and possibly attacking people themselves.”

“How did he even get into this world?” Hiro asked.

“That would be a question for Canardist,” Tadashi answered. “In the meantime, we have to hunt down this Krampus and capture it.”

“And what do we do with it after we’ve caught it?” Varian asked. “I can’t send it back. The portal isn’t working the way I need it to.”

“We’ll figure that out once we find it… the only question is, how do we find it?”

“I have a bio-reading of the creature,” Baymax responded.

“Really? How did you get that?” Hiro asked.

“It is shedding.” The robot pointed at the floor and indeed there was hair everywhere.

“Great work Baymax.’ Tadashi patted his creation on the shoulder. "Let’s go suit up.”

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PotP Ch 53 - Christmas With The Krampus: Part 2


Hiro awoke with a start when something heavy and furry jumped on his stomach, and then jumped off.


Winded, he sat straight up and saw Ruddiger scurrying out of the room and down the stairs. The raccoon was carrying a dead fish in its mouth and Hiro almost gagged as the raw fishy smell started to fill the room.

Hiro rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the stench; his window was open from where the pet had crawled inside, so that helped. He looked again at the clock by his bedside. It was still four in the morning.

He huffed in frustration and tried to go back to bed.

Only to roll over onto a puddle of cold, wet saltwater that had dripped off of the fish.

Disgusted, he sputtered and sat up again.

That was it!

He got out of bed and stormed after the striped pest.

He found the raccoon in the hallway balancing on one of the heavy picture frames, fish still in its mouth. He wiggled his tail and then took a flying leap toward the foldaway ladder that led to the attic.

Hiro rushed to grab the picture before it hit the ground, while Ruddiger snagged the rope used to pull the ladder down with his paws.

Hiro watched the troublesome pet hang there for a moment as he replaced the fallen portrait.

“Can you not make a mess wherever you go?” Hiro asked in annoyance.

He was ignored of course, as the raccoon’s weight started to loosen the ladder and it lowered itself to the floor.

Ruddiger let go of the rope and hopped onto the stepladder in one fell swoop before it even touched the ground, never losing hold of the prize in his mouth.

Hiro reluctantly decided to follow.

He lumbered up the steps and with some effort lifted up the trap door to the upper room, the one that Ruddiger had so nimbly slipped through only moments before.

It took a moment for Hiro’s eyes to pierce the darkness.

“Ruddiger?” He whispered as he scanned the small and dusty room piled high full of junk that created ominous shapes in the shadows. Finally, his eyes rested upon a small furry shape that was moving in the dark.

However, it wasn’t the friendly family pet that he found.

No sooner than did Hiro turn his head to look at the creature than the creature stopped moving to look at him.

It had fierce yellow eyes that seemingly glowed in the dark, the half-eaten fish was in its paws, and its striped tail flicked in annoyance at having been interrupted during its meal.

The human and wild raccoon stared at each other for only a moment, seemingly unsure of what to do.

Then it hissed at him!

Hiro’s eyes widen at the bared teeth. He gulped and slowly retreated from the room, daring not to look away as he did so. He gently closed the trap door, hoping not to scare the creature into attacking, and then bolted down the hall as soon as he was sure the coast was clear.

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PotP Ch 52 - Christmas With The Krampus: Part 1

Madame Canardist blew out the last of the candles and placed the antique decorations into a cardboard box. The silvery glint of the  ornament caught the eye of the chimpanzee next to her and he ‘oohed’ with interest.

“Here Vigor, be a dear and put this in the back with the others.” She sweetly called out to her pet.

The monkey grabbed the box and dutifully waddled his way to the storage room in the back of the shop as Cardanist finished cleaning up from the celebrations of a long forgotten holiday. Even in their own world, the festival of stars was a dying tradition, as there was no longer a people to carry on the old ways.

Canardist still did. She still remembered all that her parents had taught her, the same as their parents had taught them. How knowledge of the heavens and the secrets in its patterns could protect the world, or, in her case, worlds.

She frowned as she picked up a tattered scroll. However, unlike stars, knowledge was not forever. It had to be preserved and passed down in order to continue.

Canardist never did find an apprentice to teach.  She had vaguely hoped one of the younglings of this universe would take interest… but no one took magic seriously here.

And then there was the matter of Vigor…. there would be no guardian to care for him once she was gone. She was the last who knew his secret.

Not for the first time she contemplated packing up and starting anew somewhere else… or even returning to their home plane… but there was still the prophecy to fulfill. Things had been set into motion and they needed to stay to play their part.

As she paused in her clean up to read the scroll again, Vigor was unsteadily climbing a footstool, box still in hand. He stood on tip toe on one foot as he precariously balanced himself in order to push the box on to an empty space on a higher shelf.

His other foot swayed with the exertion and accidentally tipped over what looked like a snow globe.

Canardist heard the glass shatter. She flung the scroll down and ran to the back, even as Vigor’s terrified screams grew louder.

“Vigor!” She yelled, but her voice was drowned out by an unnatural wind that swirled through the air of her little store; knocking over antiques, books, and ingredients for spells.

Then the wind died as suddenly as it had started.

Canardist screamed as something monstrous, tall, and hairy, wrapped a clawed hand around Vigor.

Fright was replaced by anger.

“Let go of him you big galoot!” and hurled a book at the creature. Only to be pushed away by a muscular arm. The breath was knocked out of her as she went flying into the bookshelves behind her.

She heard Vigor howling with fright as lumbering footsteps shook the floor.

She looked up just in time to see the door of her shop being ripped off his hinges.

“Vigor!” she cried out again as her beloved pet was stolen away by the mysterious monster.

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Varian Month is Coming Up!

Starting on 24th of March we’re doing a whole month plus of Varian themed prompts over on the RnR discord in honor of the birthday boy.

Now, while we are the ones hosting the event, the entries do not have to be RnR focused, just Varian themed. (Unless you just want to do stuff based off the fanfic. Then you’re of course more than welcome to.)

You can use whatever media you want; art, craft, cosplay, fanfic, essays, video ect.

Link or post your entries in the events channel on the discord, and if you post on Tumblr @ us or send us a DM.

  • Week 1 - (24th & 25th) Alchemy

Kicking off the event we have a simple theme of the science boi doing what he does best. This is a shorter week, which is why we’re giving you plenty of notice.

  • Week 2 - (26th - 1st) Best Buds

Friendships are the name of the game this week.

  • Week 3 - (2nd - 8th) AUs & Crossovers

Got any alternative universe ideas? Rewrites? Fav fic or spin off? A crossover you wanna see happen? And AU of an AU? Share them this week

  • Week 4 - (9th - 15th) Ships Ahoy!

No we don’t mean boats. This week is for romance. What’s your fav Varian ship? Show your OTP some love this week

  • Week 5 - (16th - 22th) Cooking up some Magic

Arguably the most broad theme here. Are we talking about Varian’s mysterious ties to magic, despite his hatred of it, or his love of baking?…. You decide!

  • Week 6 - (23rd - 29th) Family & Furry Friends

Relatives, Parents, Found Family, Mentors, and/or Pets! Take your pick.

  • Bonus Week - (30th - 1st) Enemies, Revenge, and Villiany

Yeah just to close out the month, and because there were too many good themes to choose one; we have a bonus lighting round. Varian vs whoever you want.

PS: please keep entries PG as we are a PG server. Thank you.

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