PotP Ch 54 - Christmas With The Krampus: Part 3
“Hey, thanks for helping out on such short notice,” Tadashi said.
“Oh no problem, buddy.” Fred’s voice came over the phone. “Minimax and I were getting bored anyway. Christmas is never as big a deal as Hanukkah at my house. The only thing going on is the neighborhood lights display contest.”
“Your Mom’s in full-blown socialite mode?” Tadashi asked, already knowing the answer.
“Totally. Monster hunting is way more fun than tea and crumpets.”
“There’s no monster, Fred,” Varian yelled over Tadashi’s shoulder into the phone.
“Just let us know if you or Minimax see Vigor,” Hiro added, ignoring his brother.
“Ten-four!… or is it four-ten… Either way, MiniMax and Fredzillia are on the job!”
Tadashi hung up the phone as the three of them entered the near-empty shopping mall.
Most of the storefronts were closed, only a handful of people roamed the food court, and a sign on the door said that the shopping center was operating at half-hours for the holiday. So they had only about an hour left to look for clues.
They made their way to the top floor, hoping that perhaps Vigor was just hiding inside, maybe wrecking one of the other window displays for the fun of it, only to have that hope dashed once they reached Canardist’s emporium.
The door was ripped off its hinges and the inside of the shop was completely trashed.
“Still think there’s no monster?” Hiro asked.
“Anyone could have done this,” Varian replied, though with slightly less confidence than before.
Tadashi picked up a scroll off the floor and frowned. He couldn’t read it.
“Varian, I think we need to keep more of an open mind here.” He cautioned. “I mean, you and Canardist come from a world where fairy tale princesses are real and magical curses are a thing. Why can’t this Krampus exist too?”
“Because…” Varian huffed but didn’t finish his thought as he picked up an amulet hanging from a shelf. This one with Corona’s royal seal on it.
“Because you don’t wanna admit that you’re wrong.” Hiro finished for him.
Varian shot a glare at him, but couldn’t deny it.
“What do you know about this Krampus? What do the legends actually say?” Tadashi asked.
Varian shrugged. “Not much. He’s supposed to be Saint Nicholas’s helper. While St Nick rewards good little kids with toys and sweets, the Krampus collects the souls of bad children and tortures them for their misdeeds.”
He shook his head. “It’s just a story parents tell their kids to get them to behave. Like with the Sandman who brings nightmares or Zhan Tiri and his shadow soldiers. None of it’s real.”
Hiro and Tadashi shared a look but didn’t press for more details about the other horror stories that Varian had mentioned.
“Look, let’s just run with the premise that all stories are based on a kernel of truth,” Tadashi argued. “Like with Troy and the Iliad… exaggerated no doubt, but based off a real place and presumably a real war… With that being the case here, what would a real Krampus be like, you think?”
Varian gave the proposal some serious consideration. “Well, I guess… if he was real, he’d be some type of creature… just an animal.”
“And what would a large wild animal do with a pet monkey?”
“Eat it,” Hiro said, almost immediately. It was the most logical conclusion.
The other two boys grimaced.
The Varian shrugged again. “Well, nasty way to go, but what can you do? Who wants to break the bad news to Canardist?”
Tadashi stopped him from walking away. “Hold on. We can’t just let a six-foot animal run around the city eating people’s pets, and possibly attacking people themselves.”
“How did he even get into this world?” Hiro asked.
“That would be a question for Canardist,” Tadashi answered. “In the meantime, we have to hunt down this Krampus and capture it.”
“And what do we do with it after we’ve caught it?” Varian asked. “I can’t send it back. The portal isn’t working the way I need it to.”
“We’ll figure that out once we find it… the only question is, how do we find it?”
“I have a bio-reading of the creature,” Baymax responded.
“Really? How did you get that?” Hiro asked.
“It is shedding.” The robot pointed at the floor and indeed there was hair everywhere.
“Great work Baymax.’ Tadashi patted his creation on the shoulder. "Let’s go suit up.”
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